
Стеклянная бутылочка, 50 мл, водка. Бутылочка входит в набор из четырёх бутылочек: водка, аквавит, куммин, ингефара. На синей этикетке изображён профиль отца-основателя компании, справа имеется фото пшеничного поля. The Nils Oscar Company, http://www.nilsoscar.se/. Origin of Sweden. The round and malty flavor of Nils Oscar Malt Vodka is easy to recognize. The drink is smooth and good. Nils Oscar Malt Vodka was the first liquor product that was produced under the brand name Nils Oscar. This fine vodka really suits the discerning connoisseur! Many are not aware that Nils Oscar Malt Vodka is compared with whiskey that is not aged in oak barrels. Even Nils Oscar Malt Vodka is produced in our small-scale distillery in the old converted horse stables at Tarno Manor. A human hand has touched each bottle - no huge industry in other words. Unfortunately, it’s not for those chasing low prices and red price tags. Obviously, even Nils Oscar Malt Vodka is organic, as well as other spirit products from the Nils Oscar Company. To enjoy a Nils Oscar Malt Vodka can be done in different ways: pure or as a cocktail, and by choosing an organic product, you obviously promote sustainable development. Malt Vodka is a unique vodka that is distilled from wheat and two malt varieties namely barley malt and rye malt. These give a round and soft character. The malt as an ingredient is one of the secrets of this unique Nils Oscar Malt Vodka, which we invite you to enjoy. Please take a "Maltvodkatini" or Malt Vodka on the rocks. При производстве этой водки используются ржаной и ячменный солод, поэтому её можно называть солодовой водкой. Бутылочка подарена мне летом 2014 года Алексеем Телерешенковым.
  • Емкость: 50 мл
  • Крепость: 40 %
  • Страна-производитель: Sweden - Швеция
  • Название категории: Водка, vodka
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The description of my collection of mini bottles with alcohol is here:


My web site is written in Russian, but you can look on a pictures of mini bottles.